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公司名称: Tongyu communication Inc. 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 1996 
注册资金: 1000万 - 5000万 
员工数量: 大于1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: Base station antenna & Microwave antenna & Microwave component  
公司简介: Tongyu Communication *域名隐藏* a leading antenna and microwave component provider in the world. Tongyu has been committing to supply with thee excellent products and services to meet the requirement of customers worldwide since she was decade,Tongyu insists on constant innovation and technology *域名隐藏* she has become a large-scale antenna and microwave component manufactory. 
Tongyu communication Inc. / 广东 / No.9-1, Torch road,Torch High-Tech Development Zone,Zhongshan (518000) / 电话:86-760-8531 2825

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